Submissions: Agents & Editors

© Benson Shum


March 26, 6:30-7:30 PST Red Flags: Avoiding Publishing Pitfalls with Senior Agent Kelly VanSant. What you don’t know could hurt you – especially when it’s related to steering clear of common pitfalls in the publishing world. Presenter Kelly VanSant will cover key warning signs, share real-life examples, and provide actionable tips to protect your rights and career. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting out, this session will empower you to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Take-aways include: •​How to spot red flags in publishing offers and agreements •​How to perform research and due diligence before entering into an agreement with an agent or publisher •​What questions to ask an agent when considering an offer of representation •​What resources are available if you find yourself in a predatory situation. (SCBWI member: $15, nonmember: $20)

Where do I go from here?

Ready to start the submission process with your awesome manuscript?

For all things related to subbing your manuscript check out the links below.

Picture Book Publishers 101

The Big Five U.S. Trade Publishers (infographic)

How to Smartly Evaluate a Small Publisher

Look Into Publishers Before Submitting

Evaluate Small Publishers Like A Pro

21 Children's Publishers Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts 

24 Publishers Accepting Picture Books - No Agent Required

Submit Your Children's Book Without An Agent! New List of 100 Open Publishers (June 2023)

Step 3: If agents, scour Agent Lists

The following sites are a good starting point to find children's book agents:

Literary Rambles 

Resources Listing Literary Agents and Artist's Representatives

Monster List of Picture Book Agents (updated January 2022)

Equity Directory  - database of BIPOC literary agents

Step 4: Research Your Preferred Agents

After you've found a few agents, check for their likes, dislikes and response times at Agent Query and Publishers Marketplace and read as many interviews and articles as you can.  Google their clients and check out their work.

Query Tracker is also another great source of information about agents and publishers and offers a way to track your queries.

Agent Query Connect A huge online community where you ask questions and get answers.

Manuscript Wish List - website providing agent wish lists 

MSWL - agents post their manuscript wish lists using the hashtag #MSWL on Twitter which are aggregated on this website

How to Research Literary Agents and Publishers Before Sending Materials

Agent Research 101: Mining Deal Data

The Straight Dope on Publisher's Marketplace

Agent on Why She Uses Form Rejections (Twitter thread)

Step 8: Take the Call

Step 9: Understand Your Contract

Congratulations! You have a contract. Now it's time to understand your contract and be aware of the important issues. Head on over to Legal Resources for Creatives for some articles to help get you started.  Consider hiring a good attorney to help you with your contract review & negotiation


Some articles answering questions you might have about the agenting process and life with an agent:

On Being On Submission

An EPIC POST about the Submission Process, from an Agent's POV