Picture Books

© Junco Nagano

Interested in writing picture books? Here are some resources to get you started.


Mar 2, 2-5 p.m. Intensive: From “Quiet” to Acquired: How to Prepare and Position Your Picture Book for Submission Success. Writers are often told their work is “too quiet.” But what does “too quiet” really mean? Every project is different, yet when it comes to a “quiet” designation, there are often key qualities informing that assessment. The good news is that it IS possible to submit a “quiet book” and secure a spot on a publisher’s list. In fact, “quiet books” often result in starred reviews, “best book” designations and awards. In this 3-hour session with editor and creative consultant Naomi Kirsten, you'll learn how to use "quiet" intentionally, whether it's embracing your story's hidden strength, or revising for greater impact. The class includes teaching, an in-class exercise (bring a manuscript with you!) and a handout to take home. Recording available until May 2. 

General Resources
SCBWI - the Society for Children's Book Writers & Ilustrators. The organization that every children's writer and illustrator must join.

Linda Ashman The Nuts and Bolts Guide to Writing Picture Books

Children's Book Hub -  a paid subscription service with information about children's books, led by Emma Walton Hamilton  

Children's Book Insider - a paid subscription service to a fount of information about writing children's books, a monthly newsletter with tips about publishers and agents, writing courses, and more.

Mem Fox This is an AWESOME list of 20 Do's and Don'ts of picture book writing from award winning author Mem Fox. 

Darcy Pattison How to Write a Picture Book Resources
The Purple Crayon - Harold Underdown, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Children's Books, has a site chock full of resources and information, including an introductory article on the Basics of Children's Publishing

Susan Uhlig's link is full of resources from books to blog posts DEFINITELY check it out/bookmark!

Check out picture book courses we recommend in 

Writing Courses.

12x12 - don't miss out on one of the premier communities of picture book writers and illustrators. A paid membership gets you monthly webinars, critique opportunities, a great member forum, and much more.


Express PB Coaching FREE Mini-video SeriesDive into this bite-size coaching series and master the art of preparing your picture book manuscript for submission with practical, easy-to-follow advice tailored for aspiring authors. Learn about manuscript readiness (word count, character development, and creating impactful takeaways, ensuring your story is polished and submission-ready): story enhancement (spot and fix plot holes, optimize text for illustrations, and master the technique of "show, don't tell" to enrich your narrative and engage your readers), character depth and dialogue (craft intriguing characters with clear stakes, and write authentic, age-appropriate dialogue that drives your story forward and resonates with your audience), and more.

Formatting/ Templates

Illustration Notes: To Include or Not to Include. . .

Leslie Helrakoski and Darcy Pattison: Word Choices: Writing Picture Books that Soar

Tips for Writing Picture Books: Show Don't Tell

The 3 Most Common Reasons I Pass on Picture Books as an Agent

Writing Humor

Story Arc/Narrative

Art Notes

Art Notes are Action Notes!

Character Driven Books

Revising/Editing a Picture Book

A Picture Book Editing Checklist


6 Powerful Ways To Market Children's Picture Books

Showing vs. Telling in (Picture Book) Pitches

Study the Best Picture Books

Meet Best Kids’ Books--a curation of children’s literature handpicked by teachers, librarians, and parents. 
