The Weekly 411 (2/26/16)
© Liz Wong |
Friday, Feb. 26, 2016, Issue #9
The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to this site each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our updates. If you have links to share, please email them to
This week we feature MG author Amanda Conran, whose debut novel, THE LOST CELT (Goosebottom Books) just came out. Enter to win a signed copy.
We also feature PB author-illustrator Liz Wong, whose debut picture book, QUACKERS. Enter to win a signed copy.
- What: Pitch your YA or MG novel at Sub It Club
- Prize: Requests of your work plus feedback on your pitch
Mar. 26 The Tales for Teens Competition
- What: submit your unpublished novel for young teens
- Who: unpublished, unagented authors
- Prize: one-on-one critique of your manuscript with the agents at Skylark Literary
- What: submit a funny poem up to 250 lines
- Prize: cash prizes ($1,000 1st place; $250 second place; ten $100 awards)
- What: Twitter pitch party to showcase marginalized voices; organized by agent Beth Phelan of The Bent Agency
- Who: all fiction writers (children to adult) and nonfiction who write about or represent marginalized voices
- Prize: attention of agents and editors
12X12- February 29th is the last day to register for the 12x12 challenge. Register now!
What: Apply for a platform to be showcased to the prestigious publishing houses and recognition for various categories: YA, MG, PB, CB/Early Reader, nonfiction, multicultural
Who: SCBWI members, uncontracted work, only 1 ms
Prize: recognition & SCBWI endorsement to a hand-selected group of acquiring editors
Mar. 1-31 Don Freeman Illustrator GRANT
What: Apply for a $1000 grant and recognition for picture book illustration. Two grants awarded (one to a published illustrator and another to a pre-published illustrator)
Who: SCBWI members, uncontracted work of a picture book dummy (both) or portfolio (pre-published only)
Prize: funds & recognition
What: Apply for a platform to be showcased to the prestigious publishing houses and recognition for various categories: YA, MG, PB, CB/Early Reader, nonfiction, multicultural
Who: SCBWI members, uncontracted work, only 1 ms
Prize: recognition & SCBWI endorsement to a hand-selected group of acquiring editors
Mar. 1-31 Don Freeman Illustrator GRANT
What: Apply for a $1000 grant and recognition for picture book illustration. Two grants awarded (one to a published illustrator and another to a pre-published illustrator)
Who: SCBWI members, uncontracted work of a picture book dummy (both) or portfolio (pre-published only)
Prize: funds & recognition
Teaching Authors - 6 children's authors who teach writing
Publishing Road Map: Your Guide to Writing and Publishing Young Adult Fiction
April 10-14 Nuts and Bolts of Science Writing 2016 Love to write science and STEM books but don't know where to start or how to craft a great story? There's still time to register for the "Nuts and Bolts of Science Writing" workshop at the Highlights Foundation. Instructors are multipublished authors Jennifer Swanson and Miranda Paul, along with on-site editors Paige Hazzan (Scholastic), Emily Feinberg (Roaring Brook Press). They will be joined by Skype guests: Carol Hinz (Lerner/Millbrook Press), Alyssa Pusey (Charlesbridge), and agent Clelia Gore. Attendees will have an opportunity for one-to-one critiques and will be able to submit to all of the editors and the agent mentioned. It's going to be a great event. Come and get your "science on"!
Publishing Road Map: Your Guide to Writing and Publishing Young Adult Fiction
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