The Weekly 411 (2/24/17)

© Tamara Traylor

Feb. 24, 2017, vol. 8

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to this site each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our updates. If you have links to share, please email them to Are you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations & camaraderie.


Picture book writers: only one more week to sign up for Julie Hedlund's 12x12 challenge! The deadline is Feb. 28.


This week we feature author Peter McCleery, whose new book, BOB AND JOSS GET LOST, illustrated by Vin Vogel (HarperCollins) comes out next week. Be sure to enter to win a giveaway copy!  

We also feature illustrator Tamara Traylor

For Writers

Writing Challenges

Mar. 1-31 Revise Your Novel in 31 Days with Janice Hardy
What: Follow day by day on the website to get revision tips for your novel

Mar. 23-26  Complete Picture Book Workshop A weekend intensive workshop with three industry professionals, Sylvie Frank, Editor at Paula Wiseman Books; Danielle Smith, Agent at Lupine Grove Creative; and Jessixa Bagley, well-known author & illustrator.  (Austin, TX)

Putting Together a Dummy the Smart Way

The Surprising Benefits of Rejection
