The Weekly 411 (1/3/20)

© Ken Lamug

Jan. 3, 2020 vol. 1

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updates. Are you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations & camaraderie. This week's illustration is by Ken Lamug. 


We are excited to feature picture book author Laura Renauld her forthcoming picture book, FRED'S BIG FEELINGS: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF MISTER ROGERS, illustrated by Bridgett Barager (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, Jan. 14, 2020).  Enter to win a copy!

We are pleased to feature author-illustrator Ken Lamug and his recent picture book, GHASTLY GHOSTS, by Teresa Bateman (Albert Whitman, 2019). Enter to win a copy of two of his books, GHASTLY GHOSTS and PETRO AND THE FLEA KING (Createspace 2018).

On Jan. 1, we featured illustrator Nancy Whitesides and her art. Her banner design will be featured on our website and our Facebook group for the month of January.

© Nancy Whitesides

This week, we had a cover reveal for ALYCAT AND THE TOURNAMENT TUESDAY, by Alysson Foti Bourque, illustrated by Chiara Civati (Mascot Books, Mar. 20, 2020).  

Marketing & Creating a Platform

My Promo Breakdown: What I Did, What I Didn't & How Much I Spent

Debut Year Tips (Twitter thread)

Jan 7-Feb 10 Structure Intensive, with Joyce Sweeney (with Inked Voices) Structure can be a difficult aspect of craft to master, because there are basically no rules, except it has to ‘work’ for the reader. Yet a story’s structure – its pacing and placing – delivers the emotion, and is therefore key to getting published. This intensive includes 3 hours of webinar-based instruction, weekly exercises, and multiple office hours sessions to help you explore, practice, and ask questions. There will be weekly exercises for novelists and separate exercises for picture book writers. $75.

Jan. 5 deadline: Opportunity for Diverse Writers: Advanced Picture Book Writing Workshops with Christina Pulles and Sean McCarthy. Inked Voices is offering a free spot to a diverse writer in both of its upcoming Advanced Picture Book Writing Workshops. These multi-month workshops are designed for writers who are agented, or preparing to query with prior workshop experience and self-education. The ideal participant is open to coaching, willing to revise boldy, and is interested in helping other writers with their stories, too. Apply to either or both workshops here by 11:59pm PT January 5th.

Opportunity for Diverse Writers: Agent Critiques 
Inked Voices is offering a free spot to a diverse writer in its February workshops with literary agents. These are small group, online events that include peer and agent feedback. Apply at the event listing (deadlines vary, but as soon as 1/6). Jenna Pocius, Red Fox Literary - Picture Books. Alyssa Eisner Henkin, Trident Media Group - Middle GradeWhitney Ross, Irene Goodman - Young Adult.

Jan. 15, 8:30-9:45 p.m. ET Be the Hero of Your Writing Process, with Kendra Levin.  Create a regular writing practice that allows you to finish your work-in-progress and do your best writing with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Editorial Director (Simon & Schuster Children's) and Life Coach Kendra Levin will share how the classic Hero’s Journey model of myth-making offers tools that can keep you writing regularly—and feeling good about it--today and for years to come. Hosted by Inked Voices. Register.

Feb. 21-23 Write On Con the super affordable ($10) online conference for kid lit writers that includes blog posts, webinars, and critique and submission opportunities with agents, editors, and authors.

Aug 9-16  Writer's Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices Apply for a one-week intensive workshop in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, genre, and screenwriting in Los Angeles. Twelve writers will be selected for each category; scholarships are available. Applications due by Feb. 2

  • What: submit 50 pages of your completed MG, YA, or adult WIP 
  • Prize: obtain a mentorship from a published/agented author to help get your WIP query-ready for traditional publishing


If you enjoy this weekly update or our Facebook group of fellow authors and illustrators, please consider supporting Kidlit411. Any amount is appreciated. $12 is the equivalent of $1/month and $24 is $2/month.


Get this weekly update by email each Friday. We collect your email to send you the update and new posts when they go up.


  1. This has been a helpful and instructive post. Thanks, Kidlit 411. Congratulations, Laura on your new book. I loved watching Mr. Rogers, and know I will enjoy your book. Great job, Ken, on your two novels. Based on the covers, your illustrations are amazing.

  2. Congrats, Laura! Looking forward to reading this book!

  3. I love Mr. Rogers and would love this book in my collection!


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