Illustrator Spotlight: Fatinha Ramos

© Fatinha Ramos

May 22, 2020

Today we are excited to feature illustrator Fatinha Ramos and her recent picture book, LOVE AROUND THE WORLD, written by Fleur Pierets (Six Foot Press, Nov. 2019). Enter to win a copy!

Tell us about yourself and how you came to illustrate for children. 

I am a Portuguese illustrator, based in Antwerp, Belgium. I grew up by the sea in Portugal, where the colours are very bright, and the sun almost always shines.

© Fatinha Ramos

I spent most of my youth in the hospital due to a bone disease, and the only thing I could do from my bed, was what I love the most: drawing. My first exhibition was in the Orthopaedic Children’s hospital from Coimbra, when I was eight years old. The children’s books we got in the hospital were not many and not really good, so I made up my own stories and made a lot of stories in a shape of graphic novels. For me drawing was like breathing, so natural that I never thought as a child of doing it as my job. 

Congratulations on your recent picture book, LOVE AROUND THE WORLD. Tell us about the book and how you researched it to illustrate it. 

LOVE AROUND THE WORLD is based on a true story, when Fleur Pierets and Julian P. Bloom started a project performance art-piece in which the couple would marry in every country that legalised same-sex marriage. There were 22 countries when they launched the project in 2017.

After their fourth wedding, in France, Julian was diagnosed with brain cancer, and she died shortly thereafter. With this children’s book series, this project will go though the end, for 28 countries. 

© Fatinha Ramos

It was an absolutely honour and responsibility bringing Julian back, and making their dream becoming true though this book. 
I did a lot of research though each country, and got to learn a lot about their culture. I travelled a bit each time with them. I am working right now on the second book while in quarantine due coronavirus, and I feel really that I am travelling all the time, and being between people, though the drawings and the online research. 
It has been a wonderful journey together with Fleur and Julian their marriages. 

© Fatinha Ramos

Was your road to publication in children's illustration long and winding, short and sweet, or something in between?
I worked as an art director and graphic designer for 12 years. But there was a moment in my life where I decided to stop procrastinating and start doing what I really loved, and I always did though my life.
So, I have only been illustrating children’s books since 2014, and since then, I have illustrated eleven children’s books. So it is still a short and sweet career as children’s book illustrator, but a long and winding career as a creative professional. 

What projects are you working on now? 

I am working on the second series of LOVE AROUND THE WORLD, and also some side projects for editorial illustration. 

© Fatinha Ramos

What advice would you give to aspiring illustrators? 

If you decide to become a fulltime illustrator, work hard, and never give up on your dreams. Always believe in yourself, and show your work to the World. This is our legacy as illustrators, to make an impact in our future and children, and in our society though editorial illustration. Find your voice, and don’t be the second better version of someone else. 

What is one thing most people don't know about you? 

I love music (I sing too), my inspiration also comes from music, and photography, my grandfather was a famous photographer in Portugal. 

Where can people find you online? 

On my website: / Instagram: @fatinharamos /FB: @fatinhaillustration 

Fatinha Ramos is an international award-winning Antwerp-based illustrator and visual artist originally from Portugal. After working in art direction and graphic design for twelve years, she took a giant leap in 2014 and followed her dream, working full-time as an illustrator. Her work has appeared all over the world winning various accolades and awards from the Society of Illustrators NY, 3x3, Communication Arts, Global Illustration Award, White Ravens and many more... She illustrated a book for MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art New York, and she got a World Illustrations Awards in Frankfurt Buchmesse, and a New York Times book review.
Instagram: @fatinharamos
Facebook: @fatinhaillustration 


  1. Wow to this important book! The illustrations are lovely and I can't wait to travel around the world through this book.

  2. I like that illustration with the yellow background! I guess it's not in the book, but all these illustrations look really unique!

  3. What an amazing book that will share the love of Fleur and Julian forever!! I feel the illustrations show that love and the love of others around them.

  4. Terrific book, and I love the imaginative illustrations. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  5. Congrats on this book! Beautiful story with beautiful illustrations.

  6. "Find your voice and don't be the second best version of someone else." I found this to truly resonate with me. What an adventure you've been able to go on to illustrate as a career. I feel such vibrant illustrations can add so much to an already amazing story of life.


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