The Weekly 411 (6/21/24)


© Junco Nagano

June 21, 2024 vol. 25

The Weekly 411 gathers all the links added to Kidlit411 each week. To receive this post by email, sign up for our email updatesAre you on Facebook? Join our Kidlit411 group for conversations and camaraderie. This week's illustration is by Junco Nagano.

Picture Book Giveaway

We are pleased to host a giveaway of the picture book, Help Wanter: One Rooster, by Julie Falatko, illustrated by Andrea Stegmaier (Viking Books for Young Readers) out now. Enter to win a copy via the Rafflecopter below.

About the Story:
 This sleepy farm needs a rooster, and Cow is determined to find the perfect candidate. One rooster, who wakes up first thing in the morning, with a resounding cock-a-doodle-do—is that too much to ask?




This tale of a frenzied farm and the beleaguered cow trying to keep it all together packs more than laughs. As each enthusiastic candidate learns: roostering isn’t what you are, but what you do. And there’s room for everyone. As long as they wake up early—er, I mean brew strong coffee—or is it press the big button?—oh never mind. All are welcome!


About the Author: Julie Falatko writes books for children. She is the author of the picture books Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book) and Snappsy the Alligator and His Best Friend Forever (Probably), No Boring Stories!, The Great Indoors, the Two Dogs in a Trench Coat chapter book series, and Rick the Rock of Room 214. Julie lives with her family in Maine, where she maintains the Little Free Library in front of their house.


About the Illustrator: Andrea Stegmaier loves to make books. As a kid she made books for her dolls, later she made books for her kids, and now she makes books for everyone. She went to university to study architecture, but that’s a different story. Andrea lives with her family in Stuttgart, a busy town in Germany.

a Rafflecopter giveaway




  1. This looks like a hilarious read! 😁

  2. I've seen this hilarious book featured on other blogs and know it's a must read for me, especially as mentor text.

  3. I love stories about animals and farms and this one looks really funny. Would love to win a copy.

  4. I follow Julie’s blog and the process of her writing this book has been so interesting. The book sounds hilarious!

  5. Lots of fun books to read here. I've requested a bunch from my library.

  6. I loved the humor of Rick the Rock and look forward to reading what Julie comes up with in this new release!

  7. This book sounds hilarious. I'm with the animals on needing to brew strong coffee to start the day!

  8. Julie's books are great mentor texts for humor and wordplay. This one sounds fantastic.

  9. The book looks like so much fun. Thanks for featuring it. And thanks for all the great links.


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